Jun 24, 2012

How Doctors Use Smartphone Apps

There is an increasing use of smartphones by all sections of society in India. Villagers and city dwellers alike are hooked onto many multimedia apps, the most popular being Facebook and Youtube. Doctors, too, are avid users of smartphones and medical apps like Epocrates and Medscape.

   See:5 Useful and Free Android Medical Apps

It is always informative to look at trends among doctors in the United States since quite often the same trend is soon repeated among the Urban Doctors practicing in metros like Delhi and Mumbai. With a reverse brain drain of medical experts to India now being the norm, many of the doctors practicing in major Indian corporate hospitals have been trained in the US. And they bring back the current trends to India sooner than was previously expected. Here's a survey on how 266 doctors use smartphone apps (September 2011).
With smartphones and apps quickly gaining popularity in healthcare, there are now thousands of medical apps available in the app store. To illustrate this app overload challenge faced by doctors today, Epocrates conducted some research and created an infographic looking at the numbers – how many apps doctors download, how many they actually end up using regularly and which apps get used most. 
Interesting that 75% of the doctors with smartphones had downloaded more than 26 apps , though the number of apps they use daily was much much less (about 7). And recommendation of a friend/ colleague is the number one reason for trying out new apps.
Mobile App overload for doctors

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