Oct 25, 2008

- Web 2.0, Copyrights and Plagiarism-

the Web2.0 Rights project.

Web 2.0 has changed many things. But the most profound change, IMO, is in the field of Intellectual Property Rights.

New content is being created collaboratively, from distant locations. We now have the concepts of Joint authorship and joint ownership. Joint authorship means a work produced in collaboration by two or more people, where the contribution of one is NOT DISTINCT from other collaborators.The term joint ownership refers, in general, to a situation in which two or more persons share interests in property rights.Performers rights are another important field because of easy distribution of videos online (Youtube) . Many IPR theories have not yet been tried in court, especially in use of deep linking, embedding of content and use of crowd sourced content.

When one talks of IPR, how can talk of plagiarism stay far behind?

According to Wikipedia, Plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the
language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them
as one's own original work. Plagiarism is a huge problem in schools with thousands of students passing off content from the web as their own content. But it is now quite simple to detect frank plagiarism. One way is to use "" quotation marks and search within google. Advanced search features of google allow for better search of copycats.You can learn using gogle to detect internet plagiarism on this link of Marywood university Library.

You can check whether your own content is being copied elsewhere by using copyrightspot.com. You can also download free software for detection of plagiarism here.(University of Virginia).

You can access useful links to sites on Plagiarism here.

This link talks of everything related to IPR in the Web 2.0 environment. Check it out.

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