The use of ICT ( Information and communication technologies) for Health care in India is still very limited. Most of the efforts in this direction are sporadic and rudderless.There is no dearth of skilled manpower in this field, but a unified plan of action is still awaited.
Medical computer society of India has taken the lead to organize a national conference on Medical informatics and Telemedicine. Under the leadership of Dr.Sunil Shroff, eminent Nephrologist and President of MCSI, the fifth national conference on Medical informatics and telemedicine is scheduled to take place at Sri Ramchandra Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai on 19th-20th December, 2008.
"The conference (as in the past) will bring together decision makers, policy makers, practicing clinicians, healthcare educators and researchers, health administrators, health technologists and IT vendors.Meditel 2008 offers a platform to meet, interact and network with qualified specialists, users, buyers, healthcare providers, industry representatives, researchers and policy makers from India and abroad.
The event will showcase successful products in the Indian healthcare environment and discuss the challenges in their implementation. The use of ICT for 'Health Education & Research'’ is the theme of this conference.
Meditel 2008 will feature an exhaustive conference program with more than 100 presentations along with workshops on a wide variety of topics to learn about what is latest in e-health and the likely future trends."
I was a part of Meditel 2006 and can vouch for the quality of discussions held at Centre for Digital Health, Amrita institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, Kerala.It proved extremely useful to me then and I expect a similar experience this year.
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